Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Georgia Aquarium and World of Coca Cola - 30th March



Extensive resources offered to visiting school groups, pre and post activities are available to teachers online to utilise on visits to the center. The exhibits are large and categorized such that they are easy for students to understand. There is also a play area for younger children. The aquarium has an ideal lay out for visiting school groups, which a large, clean area for students to eat their lunch and to debrief with teachers.

The aquarium offers numerous professional development programs to assist teachers in educating and mentoring their students in a variety of sciences all with an aquarium/marine/freshwater basis. Descriptions of each of the workshops is available online.

Further resources are available to teachers who may be at a distance from the aquarium. These resources are all available to teachers online.  

The aquarium has large and interesting species to engage and inspire students and visitors of all ages. Many of the animals are responsive and engaged with the public.

World of Coca Cola

Teaching resources are limited at this stage, mostly they relate to social science , art and African/American history. However, more science teaching resources will be made available now that a “factory” exhibit has been included in the museum. The factory exhibit takes visitors through the process of producing and packaging Coca Cola, there is an immense amount of scope for relating this exhibit to quality testing and investigation, engineering and chemistry.  I aim to contact the World of Coca Cola and discuss with them how they will go about producing these resources.

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