Monday, April 4, 2011

Fernbank Science Center

Fernbank Science Center 31st March 2011

Very different to the science centers visited so far in that this science center is run and owned by the schools system. The center is more about providing students with rich learning opportunities to assist in meeting the state centers. The students receive tuition from teachers at the center who have significant specific expertise in their chosen teaching area. The 9 laboratories at the center are each designed, furnished and equipped to teach specific lessons and scientific content.

There are also outdoor learning opportunities by way of a large pond, well equipped vegetable garden, chicken coup and a 64 acre forest. There are learning areas within the forest where students are able to receive lessons on ecology. Another larger pond also exists in the forest for students to observe and learn about.

The exhibits are varied and numerous at the Fernbank Science Center. The scientific experts at the center have each been able to provide authentic learning materials for the exhibit hall. This includes a large variety of reptiles, a large taxonomy collection of a variety of different animals from this region of the United States and an amazing space education exhibit, that includes meteorites and the Apollo 6 module.

The center also possesses an incredibly sophisticated space science education lab, where students are able to be involved in experiments utilising a wind tunnel and a drop shaft, which simulates microgravity. The Fernbank Science Center has significant connections to NASA and NASA Education, who have funded the Space Learning Center. The center also has regular visits from astronauts and has been able to provide opportunities for students to ask astronauts questions.

The planetarium and observatory are open to the public every Thursday and Friday night. The planetarium shows cost the public only $4. Entry to the Fernbank Science Center is free and students are not charged an entry fee either.

NASA conducts the Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy out of the Fernbank Science Center and the Lockheed Martin Aviation Camp is also conducted at the Fernbank Science Center.

Schools are able to borrow taxonomy exhbits, small exhibits can be borrowed short-term and the large exhibits borrowed on a long term basis.

Teachers are able to apply to be part of the Master Gardner program which takes place during school holiday time. Teachers completing this program must agree to return to their schools and set-up their own school vegetable garden.

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