Friday, April 8, 2011

Article by Jim Scanlan 2010

Nicci Hilton, an award-winning science
teacher, has won a Churchill Fellowship that
will take her to the United States to pursue
her vision of making classroom science  
more engaging for students.
Ms Hilton, who graduated as a science
teacher from the University of New England
in 2006, went on to be recognised in the
Australian Government Quality Schooling
Awards in 2008 for her achievements in
increasing students' participation in and
enthusiasm for science at Cowra High
School, her first appointment. She also won
the Minister for Education's Medal of
Distinction and UNE's Young Distinguished
Alumni Award for that year.
Now studying towards a Master of
Education degree at UNE, Ms Hilton is a
science teacher at PLC Armidale.
In March next year, under her Northern
Districts Education Centre Churchill
Fellowship, she will travel to science educa-
tion centres in California. Arizona, Georgia,
Florida, Washington DC and New York City
in her search for resources and programs
that can help students engage with science
by pursuing their own investigations. She
will visit the National Sciences Resource
Centre in Washington DC, and will speak to
coordinators of the annual International
Science and Engineering Fair, at which
young people from around the world
(including Australia) display their scientific
ingenuity and inventiveness.
''My aim is to develop a scaffolding of
concepts and resources that will help teach-
ers facilitate their students own scientific
investigations," she explained. She'll also be
looking at innovative teaching strategies
including new methods of explaining scien-
tific concepts.
-I'm immensely grateful to the National
Churchill Trust for this once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity,'" she said, "and I hope that
many more people are encouraged to apply
for a Churchill Fellowship so that they too
may share their passion."
In 2008 Ms Hilton was a member of the
advisory group that produced a framework
for a new national science curriculum a
framework now reflected in the Stage 1
Syllabus in some pilot schools. "We
believed the syllabus needed to be holistic.
because no strand of science can be taught
in isolation,- she said. "It also includes a big
emphasis on inquiry-based learning:"
Her guiding principle in the classroom is
that -students remember memorable
things". -If an activity is engaging, they will
understand and remember the process," she

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