Sunday, April 17, 2011

Society for Science and the Public

Society for Science and the Public

SSP is the organiser and facilitator of the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and also facilitates an online directory of national USA science camp programs.

SSP has published all student abstracts from ISEF entries since 2003. These abstracts would be a good resource for science teachers. The abstracts would help in stimulating students to come up with their own ideas for open-ended inquiry. The abstracts are also useful to students wishing to check the authenticity of their investigation idea.

The website also has a “Rule Wizard” which assists students in assessing the safety and suitability of their project for the ISEF competition and helps them to ensure that their study is legal in the USA, Australian students would need to check with local authorities, however the rule book wizard is still a valuable resource.

The SSP releases a magazine that contains scientific studies and research that is aimed at a student audience. The magazine, due to the accessibility of its content, it read and enjoyed by adult audiences also. This is another resources that would assist in stimulating students to be involved in inquiry.

The Intel Science Talent Search is a competition that is also organised and facilitated by the SSP. This is a prestigious competition where senior secondary school students are able to submit a scientific report that is of high quality. Often these are reports from investigations that students have completed on science summer camps, where they have been involved in authentic inquiry in tertiary facilities.  The competition provides its winning students with cash prizes, first prize recipients receive $100 000. The other specific cash prize values can be found at:

The Intel Science Talent Search is a highly prestigious competition and one that would be immensely motivating for students requiring extension and enrichment in the sciences. 

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