Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Jurassic Park 

An interesting and fun way to engage students in Earth’s natural history units and topics! The park had recreated the  “hatchery” and “incubator” area from Jurassic Park. Students are able to pick up eggs and move them into a simulator to “analyse” them. The computer shows them pretend thermal imaging, density, synapse, x-ray and bioscan. Whilst this is not real science and only a simulation it would promote great discussion about what each of these processes would be used to observe and how they would work, what would/could  the science behind these pretend analysis techniques actually be.

The other activities included possible anatomy of dinosaurs, including adaptations. The activity that allowed students to “scan” for fossils was another great interactive exhibit that could be used to promote discussion and engage students in natural history lessons and activities.

The rides at Universal Studios, as at all theme parks, are an excellent opportunity to engage students in physics. Motion sensor dataloggers can be placed on students to enable them to study velocity first-hand! 

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